Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why Democrats Should Not Seek Or Accept A Grand Bargain That Would Include Social Security Or Medicare

Being truthful about federal spending will never set the conservatives free because they can not tell the truth about the subject matter.  They say federal spending is the problem so entitlements have to be cut.  Of course the news media falls for that lie and it becomes the topic of their shows, especially the Fox News Network. 

As pointed out many times here in "politidose" federal spending has increased a hell of a lot more under Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 than it has under Clinton or Obama in the past 32 years.  The real story of the conservative republican lies concerning budget matters is that they now want the middle class to pay for their 20 year deficit spending spree and their obscene increase in federal spending that happened on those three republican President's watch.

Republican Paul Ryan's fairy tale budget did not get any where in Congress last year and was rejected by the voters in the November Presidential race when he and Romney went down to defeat.  Now Ryan has reintroduced the same budget trash in congress again and will once again go down in defeat.  Which just shows how contempt they are toward the country and its people. 

The news media should be talking about how Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 put the nation on the path to the greatest fiscal failure since the great depression and how the lies of conservative republicans on the subject matter is a disgrace to the country and its people.  Boehner, McConnell and their gang of republican outlaws served in congress during the George W. Bush administration and squandered the balance budgets and surpluses of the Clinton administration and the people need to hold them accountable.

During the "cold war" there was a saying, " better dead than red".  Well now the saying should be, " better to sequester than balancing and cutting the budget on the backs of the middle class."

Commentary written by John Lucia

Note:  See past commentaries concerning federal spending.

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