Sunday, May 19, 2013

Democratic Administrations: Best At Keeping America Safe At Home And Abroad

As of this writing President's Clinton and Obama have kept America and our people safer from terror attacks both at home and abroad in the past 33 years while the country and its people suffered the worst terrorists attacks on the watch of President's Reagan and Bush 43. 

Reagan came to office talking tough telling the terrorists you can run but you can't hide.  He then sent our Marines to Beirut as peace keepers to bail out Israel who was catching flack on their war against Lebanon and terrorists blew up the Marines compound killing 241 Marines.  That was and still is the worst foreign terror attack against American personnel abroad.  Those terrorists have never been brought to justice according to the latest report.

Bush 43 came to office talking tough also and terrorists inflicted the worst attack on U.S. soil Sept. 11, 2001 killing over 2000 Americans.  The master mind was Osama Bin Laden.  A few years later Bush said he did not know where Bin Laden was hiding and really did not give it much thought.  President Obama upon taking office made his number one priority to bring Bin Laden to justice and he did just that.  The Obama administration also had the wisdom to bury Bin Laden at sea there fore depriving the terrorists of a shrine to spread their propaganda.

Bush's invasion of Iraq did not make America or its people safer from WMD because Iraq had none.  But both N. Korea and Iran were developing WMD at the time so Bush said.  In fact in his State of the Union address he called those three countries an "Axil of evil".  The Iraq war created Al Queda in Iraq who had no standing in Iraq prior to the war.  They were responsible for killing many of the 4400 plus Americans in Iraq, something they could not do prior to the war.

It really chaps republicans that Clinton and Obama has kept our country safe and is one reason they are trying to make an issue out of Benghazi.  They want really bad to see something happen on the President's watch.  The republican party today is really a sorry party with no substance and they are getting worse because of the tea party within their ranks.  If it were up to some republicans we would have put American troops in Iran, Lybia and Syria.  You know, the so called tough talk from the so called hawks.  The big problem is many of them have never worn the uniform of their country but love to send other people's children off to war.  That really says it all.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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