Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Charles Krauthammer's Silly Editorial

Charlie boy's editorial titled "A Modest GOP Agenda For 2013" is another example how conservative journalists and republicans in congress are so culpable in their own stupid party and unAmerican conservative ideology.  His recomended Modest Agenda for the GOP is as follows.

1) Oppose further expansion of the entitlement state.  2) Reform the tax code.  3) Secure the border.  4)  Demand clarity on Afghanistan.  First of all there has been no expansion of the so called entitlement state.  Charles boy is talking about the AHCA but that is needed because the states have failed to take care of the problem within their own borders.  Federal spending under Obama has increased at the smalest rate since the Clinton administration.  The administrations of Reagan and Bush 43 had the largest increase in federal spending in the past 32 years.

Reform the tax code by the republican party is a joke and Charlie knows that because of the republican's relationship with the wealthy and special interest groups.  Charlie also knows that the republicans controlled both house of congress during most of the Bush 43 years in office and had an opportunity to reform the tax code then and failed to do so.  If tax reform takes place one can be sure it will happen on a Democratic President's watch.

Secure the border for immigration:  The republicans had a chance to do that under Bush 43 also and failed.  They flipped flopped then and they are currently doing the same thing.  Demand clarity on Afghanistan:  President Obama has already done that and announced the date of the U.S. withdrawal.  Obama has already put to bed Bush's war with Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  When it comes to Afghanistan, Charlie boy is thinking of Bush's mishandling in fighting that war and had no clarity on the subject matter when he left office.  He just turned it over to the President. 

Charlie is well aware that the GOP in congress has had a Modest Agenda since the President was elected in 2008 so what is new.  That Modest Agenda was to not lift a finger to work with Obama because they want to see him fail and take the country along that path.  Their agenda has not changed in 2013.  Charlie as a journalist, the republicans as a party and conservatism as invoked by the leaders of the party in and out of congress have no positive accomplishments that move the country and its people forward.  They are really chapped that once again it is a democratic administration that has moved the country forward out of the second great republican depression that was caused by Bush's policies.  And that says it all Charlie boy.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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