Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another First For PolitiDose On Louisiana's Economy

Robert Mann in an article published in the Times Picayune of Sept. 15 rightly reported Governor Jindal's mixed message concerning Louisiana's economic progress and strength.  However, you read it first here in PolitiDose.  This writer spoke out here in PolitiDose on several occassion, the last in a commentary dated Sept. 7 titled "Louisiana's Economic Progress:  Not Very Much Has Changed At All" and reported the real state of the economy and how unemployment has been on the rise in Louisiana while the national unemployment has been in decline.

PolitiDose first reported the failure of the Jindal administration a few years go when it comes to the economy, job creation, balancing the state budget and how Jindal blew the state budget surplus left to his administration by the Blanco administration.  It was pointed out also how Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature never really balanced one state budget since he took office and how Jindal's actions have gotten into the average workers pockets in so many different ways.

This is not the first time PolitiDose has been in front and in the lead on issues concerning the economy in Louisiana and the national economy.  You can actually go back and look at commentary from 2009 to the present and find information that has been more accurate than the state and news media reports.

One would think that the news media would do a better job informing the public of Jindal's true record on the economy, job creation, balancing the state budget, unemployment and the $8 billion waste of yearly tax breaks for business.  This writer and PolitiDose will continue to lead the way.

This commentry written by John Lucia.

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