Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Affordable Care Act Brings The Republican's Anti-American Ideology To The Fore-front

"PolitiDose" seems to be the only news outlet that understands why the republican party spends all its time and energy on negative comments and anti-American propaganda against President Obama and the democratic party.  The various hosts on cable news tells their viewing audience every night that they don't understand why the republican party acts as they do.

Well, beginning in 2007 and over the years since, "PolitiDose" explained in manny commentries that the republican party has no record of accomplishments or record of moving the country and its people forward so they attack and try to control the narrative which the news media gladly follow.  That is why they have no policy to campaign on.  The most recent example is the November elections when Romney's only policy was tax cuts and his campaign was about attacking the President.

Republican strategist believe as long as they attack democrats no one will ask them what they themselves stand for and the media obliges.  Their current attacks against the Affordable Care Act is a good example.  They say their idea's are better for the uninsured but had 8 years under Bush 43 to come up with a health plan and failed to do so.  And they have had four and a half years under President Obama to come up with a plan and they are still batting zero for twelve.

The essence of the republican ploy is to obstruct any democratic administration into failure because democratic administrations always do better for the country and its people than republican administrations.  That is why they tried and failed to bring down President Clinton over an affair.  They could not attack Clinton on the economy, job creation, balanced budgets, low unemployment and etc.,so they tried to destroy his administration with impeachment.

They have been trying to destroy the Obama administration because once again it is a democratic administration that is reducing the federal deficit, creating jobs, improving the economy, reducing federal spending and reversing the damage to the country and its people that the Bush administration bequeathed to President Obama and the nation. 

The republicans shut down the government three times in their effort to cripple President's Clinton and Obama.  The last time it was done to destroy the economic recovery taken place after the second great republican depression of 2008.  The party has become a traitor party because they can not compete with the democratic party in policy or ideas.  They have zero policy ideas and are a disgrace not only to the office of the President and all Americans, they are a disgrace to our democratic system of government and a disgrace to the people they were chosen to represent.  And to top it off they use lies as prt of their planned rhetoric. 

The people should never forget it is estimated the republican shutdown of government cost the country $24 billion. 

This commentary written by John Lucia

Note:  For past commentaries dealing with the subject matter see  A Fiscal Responsible Government dated 4/30/07,   President Obama And Fiscal Stability dated 11/8/09 and An Economic Turnaround, Job Creation, and Fiscal Stability:  There Is A Precedent.  dated 12/14/09.

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