Tuesday, January 21, 2014

James Varney Displays His Little Boy Conservative Ideology Once Again.

In the Times Picayune reflection section of January 19, Varney shows his readers just how much of a conservative ditto head he has become.  Varney seems to be put out in what he believes is the liberal media's attemp to disqualify New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the republican nomination for President in 2016 because of bridgegate.  Add Varney to the voices that blame so called liberals when conservatives find themselves in trouble of their own making.

So what does little boy Varney do?  Well he goes "tit for tat" and says that if Christe is unfit to be President because of bridgegate, so too is Hillary because of past involvement in a litany of things and events.  He even takes it a step farther and goes after the voting public by saying, "those that pull the voting lever in 2016 for Clinton is a bold face liar, they are but naked, shameless, rabid partisans."  One can easily notice the personal attacks in that statement.  That way they feel like they are elite.

The news media in general and the wealthy PAC's are already trying to brainwash the voters every day with their speculation on who will run for President in 2016, almost 3 years away.  That is the story in the life of the news media.  They have so much time on their hands they try to create news before it happens.  Christe and Clinton have yet to announce their intentions concerning 2016 but Varney already has the voters pulling the lever for Clinton. 

The voters will be reminded every day up to the election, especially by conservatives about the events in Benghizi, it has already started in order to damage Clinton.  They will do their best to make it an issue even though it is not.  But if you follow their line, George W. Bush should have been disqualified to run for a second term because of the terror attacks on 9/11/01 which happened in our own back yard.

Understanding the past is still the key to a better future.  Varney and conservatives have yet to learn that and as a result the future will be like the past under conservative rule.  Varney's tirade of January 19 is just another example of conservatives inability to debate the issues that affect the country and its people.  They even forgot about arithmetic in the 2012 elections.  Former President Clinton and V.P. Joe Biden had to remind them.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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