Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Former President Bill Clinton: Approval Rating Still Sky High

President Clinton left office with an approval rating of 65%.  The highest of any President in the past 50 years and just the other day his approval rating was reported to be over 60% even though he has been out of office over 13 years.  No other living President even comes close.

The passage of time has not diminished Clinton with the people although that is what the republicans tried to do with their personal attacks and impeachment of the President.  Clinton's success can be related to his ability to communicate with the public, his knowledge of government and how it works, knowledge of the federal budget and his ability to understand the economy.  He also was and still maintains his statue as being able to explain the issues to the people and what it takes to solve issues.  Clinton also stands tall as a "serious" public servant. 

No one can imitate another man, but those in politics have failed to grasp the meaning of public service and the need to understand government and its relationship with the public.  The political failure to acquire such knowledge of what it takes to run government and understand the issues has taken a huge toll on our country and its people.  The knowledge is available to all politicians to prepare them to serve, but politics has become a game for them at the expense of the common good.

The congressional elections for congress will be coming up in November.  Hopefully the voters will ask themselves this question.  "What party has been the "serious party" for the country and its people to move forward since President Clinton left office?"  I hope the voters play that out in their minds before they cast their vote.  Understanding the past is still the key to a better future.  Without that understanding, the future will be like the failed past.

I have used the theme "understanding the past etc, etc., in several past commentaries.  My initial commentary on the subject matter can be logged on at PolitiDose and was published on 12/31/08 titled, The United States:  Past, Present and Future.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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