Saturday, April 26, 2014

Louisiana's Senator David Vitter: Just Another Republican Ditto Head

In a Times Picayune article dated 4/25/14 by staff writer Bruce Alpert it was reported that Vitter was one of 22 U.S. Senators to sign a letter to President Obama to improve immigration enforcement, not to look for new ways to weaken it.  The ditto head does not like the President's enforcement review.  Of course any one who has followed the immigration issue for the past 10 years knows full well that Obama has done more to enforce the immigration laws than any other President in that period of time, including deportations.

Vitter also knows the U.S. Senate passed tough immigration reform legislation last year that John Boehner has failed to act on in the republican controlled U.S. House.  The majority democrats in the Senate with enough republican votes passed that bill.  Vitter was one of many ditto head republicans in the Senate to vote against that immigration reform legislation.  Vitter and the republican problem on the issue is the same as their position and problem on the ACA.  They have no plan of their own to deal with either one.

It is a continuation of their MO ideology.  Keep opposing the President's position on every thing so they themselves do not have to explain what they stand for.  The President's policy is clear on the issue, he supports legislation passed by the Senate and that the House should debate and vote on that bill.  If the republican controlled house fails to act and address the issue, he will use his authority to do what ever he can to improve the issue as it stands today.  Most Americans would say that is a common sense approach.

This commentary was written by John Lucia.

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