Sunday, July 20, 2014

Another Business Merger With Major Job Cuts

Microsoft has announced it will cut 18,000 jobs, 14% of its work force.  The majority will come from Nokia mobile business whom they acquired a few months ago.  It is another example how buy outs by Corporate giants of other companies enhanse their CEO's and executives at the expense of their employees.  This writer has commented about this situation many times over here in "PolitiDose."

In a story by the New York Times writer Nick Wingfield he reported Microsoft's presence in the hardware business (phone) which is outside its traditional expertise has been an unpopular one with investors and many people inside Microsoft.

So now we have Microsoft, one of the most richest company in the world buying out the mobile business of Nokia to eliminate a competator so they can add that service to their product.  And in the process lay off 18,000 workers.  And guess what?  Microsoft's tax write offs will be gigantic, thanks to a tax code that favors special interest. 

It is anothr prime example of wealth being transferred from the average American or the middle class to the wealthy. 

This commentary written by John Lucia

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