Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"PolitiDose" And The Huffington Post (Belatedly) Are On The Same Page.

Every one who reads "PolitiDose" is familiar with the theme I have used many times in my commentary, UNDERSTANDING THE PAST IS THE KEY TO THE FUTURE.  Now comes former U.S. Senator, Gary Hart whose first sentence in a commentary for the Huffington Post dated July 7 says:  THOSE WHO CANNOT LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT.  Hart's words, although not the same as mine have the same meaning and convey the same message.  It is not the first time the Huffington Post has carried theme the same as mine, after the fact.  See my commentary titled: Ariana and the Huffington Post:  Looks like an copy cat job dated 4/22/10.

Hart's commentary was about leaders both American and foreign who did not learn from History and because of that was doomed to repeat that history.  He mentions George W. Bush's failure in Iraq as one example.  It is a stark reminder from a person who has been out of politics for many years who has gained knowledge and understanding how America can determine its own fate in a positive way if only we can learn from the past mistakes of history to make a better future.

The Sumerians have been proven right about what they were taught about the past and the future.  It is a simple road map to guide America concerning the problems we face.  Our decision makers just have to stand up and reject all the negative noise out there, be leaders with understanding and wisdom so that future generations can proudly declare, those that came before us recognized the mistakes of the past (or history) and therefore provided us with a better future.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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