Sunday, August 31, 2014

Conservative Columnist Cal Thomas: Out Of Control And In Need Of An Education.

Cal Thomas's editorial published in the Times Picayune of 8/27/14 titled, "How Would President Obama Respond To An Attack On Homeland" makes a good case that he himself is desperate to wound the President he hates.  What chaps Thomas and the conservatives is the fact that the President has kept the country and its people safe and has kept our men and women in uniform out of unnecessary wars unlike the previous administration. 

President Obama's record as to what he would do if our homeland was attacked has already been established and is public knowledge.  The homeland was attacked on 9/11/01on Bush's watch.  When Obama took office he made it his top priority for the CIA to bring Bin Laden to justice and he did just that so he has a record.  Our drone strikes against top AlQueda leaders have brought many of them to justice also on Obama"s watch. 

When our homeland was attacked on 9/11 Bush spent our resources on invading Iraq who had nothing to do with the tragic events of 9/11.  To make matters worse a few years later Bush said publically he did not know where Bin Laden was hiding and did not think much about him at all.  Paul O'Niell, Bush's Secretary of the Treasury said in his book, The Price of Loyalty that 10 days inn and it was all about getting Iraq. 

Thomas talks in the article that the public and vigilantes could rise up and take matters into their own hands if government fails to act.  That is his unAmerican way of trying to plant the seed of division that the President would not discharge his responsibilities. 

Thomas has a big problem as a human beign.  Something must have gone wrong in his life and as a result has a hard time coping.  Wanting to see the President and the country fail must some how make him feel redeemed.  To make matters worse he says and I quote, "What will the current President do when the next attack comes?  Will the public take matters into their own hands and fight back?

That is a very disturbing statement for an American journalist to make concerning the President of the United States, expecially when it comes from a journalist with hatred in his heart.  The President safety record speaks for itself on defending the homeland.  Thomas, like the conservatives in congress failed in their attempt to make Obama a one term President so they are doing what ever it takes to discredit his two terms in office.  They have nothing positive they can point to concerning the Bush 43 administration so they have to take it out on the President.  Cal Thomas lacks the courage to be a serious journalist.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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