Saturday, September 27, 2014

All Americans Should Be Of The Same Disposition As President Obama: No American Combat Troops On The Ground In Iraq In Combat Operations.

Our men and women in uniform have served multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, more so than in any other war in the last 70 years.  The draft during WWII, Korea and Viet Nam lessoned the need for multiple combat tours in those wars.  The present all volunteer military puts more pressure on the military in general and combat operations in particular.

Putting our combat forces on the ground back in Iraq will require the use of many that were there before.  They and their family were the only ones who paid a terrific price during the Iraq war.  So now after President Obama continues to reject American troops in combat operation on the ground in Iraq more Americans are still calling for their deployment.  A divided America sends the wrong signal to those country's in the middle east about using their own ground troops to fight ISIL.  If they think the negative voices in America will win out they will not lift a finger to help.

So America needs to follow the President's lead and make sure they publically back the President's decision and that our country speaks with one voice, NO U.S. COMBAT TROOPS ON THE GROUND IN IRAQ IN COMBAT OPERATIONS.  The message should be clear.  Middle east nations who feel threatened by ISIL should be willing to stand and fight and even die if necessary.

Those negative voices who continue to want the U.S. in an ongoing war in the middle east could care less about our men and women in uniform and show their contemp towards the President and Commander in Chief who has his plate full because of the unnecessary war in Iraq to begin with.  We know the toll that war placed on our veterans and the VA system.  Imagine what another never ending war would cost.  No American should be willing to see that hapen again.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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