Sunday, September 21, 2014

President Obama: The Only Steady Voice On The Islamic State Or ISIL

The President has been a steady voice on his foreign policy concerning ISIL.  No U.S. combat troops on the ground in Iraq in combat operations.  Iraq and those middle east nations who are threatened will be expected to defend their own land with their own boots on the ground.

But lately, some republicans and many in the news media are trying to convince the people that American troops in a combat role will be necessary.  The drum beat has started just like the run up to war in Iraq in 2003 over WMD that did not exist. 

General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said before Congress recently that if the President's strategy fails he would recommend to the President to put American combat troops on the ground in a combat role.  The news media ran with the story as if combat troops on the ground was given.  Then former defense secretary Robert Gates said U.S. combat troops on the ground would be needed.

There are a lot of misguided people who would love to see the President make the same mistake Bush did.  They are chapped because Obama has been steadfast in his desire to keep the country out of perpetual wars in the middle east.  They will also criticize the President when he keeps his word and withdraws our troopsfrom Afghanistan at the end of the year as he announced.

Isil is no threat to the national security of the United States and neither was Saddam Sussein and Iraq.  The war proved that.  As Commander In Chief, the President has the authority and right to reject or accept the advise of his military advisers.  President Kennedy during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis rejected the Joint Chiefs wanting nothing short of an invasion of Cuba.  Kennedy had other plans that worked and Cuba has not been a problem for the U.S. since then.

At last we have a President who has the courage to tell Iraq and others who feel a threat by Isil to stand up and fight for their country.  America should not get cought up fighting religious wars in the middle east with its troops on the ground.  This writer hopes the President continues his position and tune out those voices who love to send other people's children off to unnecessary wars.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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