Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and Unemployment Still Moving In The Right Direction Under President Obama

The Labor Department announced that the U.S. Economy created 248,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate fell to 5.9% from the previous month rate of 6.1%.   The 5.9% was the lowest since July 2008.  The Labor Department also said job creation in July and August was a combined 69,000 more jobs than was originally reported.

For the readers of "PolitiDose" they read the good news here first when Obama first took office.  I wrote a commentary pointing out that the economy, job creation and unemployment has always done better on the democratic watch and that precedent has verified that over time.  There has never been any doubt in this writers mind what party performs best for the country and its people.  I also wrote a four part series commentary in 2008 titled, "The U.S. Economy:  Which Party Performs Best."

Obama's policies that were passed by the democratic controlled congress at the time turned the economy around and the republicans kept their promise not to lift a finger to help the President.  Middle class wages has not increased enough but that will change with the continued falling of the unemployment rate and when the job market tightens.  Those two elements have not existed since the trickle down policy of the Bush 43 administration.  The transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy is also a cause of middle class income being static. 

And once again it is a Democratic administration leading the way in economic recovery.  September was the 55th straight month of positive job growth.  President George W. Bush left office with the worst job creation record since the great depression of 1928-1929.  When Obama leaves office he will continue the legacy of the democratic party being champions of job creation for the country and its people.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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