Wednesday, January 7, 2015

MSNBC's "All In" With Chris Hayes Is Out Of The Loop

Hayes, on his show of 1/5/15 asked the question, "Why is the economy where it is today?" (alluding to all the positive developments) He then notes that federal spending under the Obama administration is leveling off.  If Hayes knew the history of the economy and federal spending he would know the best of both happen on the watch of Democratic administrations.  Or he could simply read "PolitiDose" where this writer has articulated many times over it was going to happen on Obama's watch and the reasons why.

In fact total federal spending at the end of Obama's first fiscal year was down 1.6% from George W. Bush's last fiscal year.  Hayes has had several years to find that out but I guess he had other things on his mind other than facts.  No republican administration in the past 50 years has reduced year to year federal spending.  The Obama administration has accomplished that more than once.

I wrote a commentary as far back as 2009 and predicted how the economy, job creation, reducing the deficit, reducing federal spending and lowering the unemployment rate would happen on Obama's watch because there was a road map known as "precedent" and those predictions have come true.  There are other commentaries that explain why the country and its people always do better under democratic administrations in every category.

"PolitiDose" has been in the lead in educating the American people concerning the facts on the economy, job creation and fiscal matters.  The republican party and the news media in general have no record of doing so even though they have the resources where they could actually do so.  But their world is show business and sound bites and there is no probative value in their pronouncements.  And that really says it all.

Note:  Commentary dated December 14, 2009 titled, An economic turnaround:  Job Creation, and Fiscal Stability, There Is A Precedent

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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