Tuesday, January 13, 2015

President Obama And The Paris Terror Attack

President Obama did not attend the peace march rally as a show of solidarity in Paris after the terror attack but U.S. Ambassador to France Jane Hartley did.  The republican noise maching as usual criticized the President for not attending.  Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, Senators Ted Cruz and Mark Rubio said the President declined to show solidarity, symbolic of the lack of American leadership, we must never hesitate to stand with our allies and Obama should have sent a top official.

The New York Times reported France's President Francois Hollande's head of communications said that Obama did not snubb the march and that Obama supported France in their common struggle against Terrorism.  Also that Obama's visit to the French Embassy was a rather exceptional gesture and that Mr. Obama's attentions have been very important to Mr. Hollande.

The Fox News Network tried to plant the seed that Obama's failure to be at the march indicated he was soft on terror.  They also questioned the President's leadership.  The usual junk that comes from conservative SOP.  Like the conservatives in congress Fox can not articulate any accomplishments of the previous administration so they believe going negative on Obama will work .  Of course they know most of the European leaders opposed George W. Bush's policies in the middle east, including France who Bush tried to have them contribute troops to Iraq in a war over WMD that did not exist.

The fact of the matter is that President Obama stood solid with France early after the attack on Paris and vowed to stand with France to oppose terror and help bring those responsible to justice.  The President's record on fighting the war against those who use terror attacks is very clear.  Bin Laden and many of his top people have found that out.

The bottom line is the President's policies have kept our home land safe for 6 years.  The tough talking administration of President George W. Bush did not.  And that is what really chaps republican conservatives.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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