Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The 2016 Presidential Campaign: What This Writer Would Like To See.

U.S. republican Senator Ted Cruz announced on Monday he is running for President.  It was the first official announcement  by any so called candidate, republican or democratic.  There will be more republicans making the same announcement soon.  It is this writers hope that democratic candidates make no such announcements before Labor day.  That applies even if only one democratic candidate decides to run.

What the country and the people need are shorter campaigns.  That makes more sense for so many reasons, one which is the show business attitude on the part of the news media and its coverage.  Another reason is we know the drill.  The republicans campaign will be one of personal attacks as usual and little policy explanation.  The democratic campaign will be one of policy and where they stand on the issues.

The candidates all have records known to the voters.  The country does not need a rerun of that but that has been what campaigns are made of.  The news media wants the campaign to last forever because of the money they make on ads and etc., and their power of sound bites and spin.  The Fox News Network believes Hillary Clinton will be the democratic nominee and already started their constant attacks months ago.  It will only get worse.

This writer would like to see two or three democratic candidates run for their party's nomination.  And I would like to see at least one new face among them with solid credentials, policy plans, mature judgement and thought, courage and a sense of understanding the mistakes of the past in order to achieve a better future for the country and the people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio.

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