Friday, March 13, 2015

U.S. Senator Tom Cotton R-Ark: The New Republican Leader Of The 47%.

During the Presidential election of 2012, republican nominee Mitt Romney was the author of the 47% remark that was filmed and recorded at one of his fund raising events.  Now, three years later freshman republican U.S. Senator Tom Cotton is the author of a letter signed by 47 republican U.S. Senators addressed to Iran's leaders in an effort to undermind on going talks between the United States and Iran

Those 47 republican senators represent 47% of the U.S. Senate which has 100 members.  Like Romney's comment, the public is not taking kindly to Cotton's letter and rhetoric  concerning the matter.  One exception is Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal who according to a Times Picayune article of 3/12 tweeted in reference to V.P. Joe Biden's statement the following.  "V.P. Biden owes Senator Tom Cotton an apology.  He wore the boots in Iraq.  He's earned our attention, not your insults."  Of course, the V.P. never insulted anyone.

Jindal's tweet is just another of many reasons why he will not even come close to being the republican nominee for President.  Jindal has no idea about the relationship between veterans and the Commander in Chief.  As a veteran, this writer was always taught to respect the President and Commander in Chief and the chain of command.  Evidently Senator Cotton never learned that especially at a time when the President and Commander in Chief's administration is in serious talks concerning serious issues with a foreign nation.

The conservative hate for President Obama has no bounds and Cotton being a freshman Senator, shows his lack of knowledge how government works and the responsibility of the President as Commander in Chief. Bobby Jindal is so far out of his league on a national and state level its getting to be a sad situation.  The 47% has not been a good number for the party.

More than one republican Senator that signed on to the letter served in congress during President Reagan's administration when he sold arms to Iran concerning American hostages.  At the time Iran was listed as a supporter of terrorism by the U.S. State Department.  That happened even though President Reagan said he would not negotiate with terrorists.  Those Senators were stone quiet and the matter was subject to an investigation.  Any one who follows our political system knows President George W. Bush had no plan in place to deal with Iran's nuclear program.  Like Iraq, the Iran problem was passed to President Obama's administration.

The real shame is that the republican party has no one of mature stature willing to stand up and say enough is enough and we need to work with the President and Commander in Chief.

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio.

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