Thursday, May 7, 2015

The U.S. Senate Follows Lead Of The U.S. House And Passes Budget Resolution

The republican controlled U.S. Senate rubber stamped the U.S. House budget and like the wasted time of voting over 50 times to repeal the ACA, the budget resolution will go nowhere fast.  The democrats in the Senate voted no.  Louisiana's Senators David Vitter and Bill Cassidy noted for the budget which calls for cutting $496 billion in non defense spending over the next 10 years.

Vitter is running for Governor of Louisiana and is well aware how budget cuts in Louisiana by Jindal and the republican controlled legislature has failed to balance any Louisiana budget and the state now faces a $1.6 billion deficit for next fiscal year beginning June 1.  The Senate resolution along with the House is another example of the GOP being yesterday's party of failed economics dominated by the conservative fairy tale of budget cuts and trickle down economics.  Like Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 who never balanced one federal budget in the 20 years they served as President, this republican budget does not balance the federal budget for another 10 years.  (Don't hold your breath)

President Obama said he would veto any spending that is in line with the republican budget that passed and has the votes in the Senate and House to uphold his veto if necessary.  "PolitiDose" has reported from the very beginning that the GOP would not work with the President or any democrat for that matter because they themselves have no accomplishments for America or its people.

Continue to do the right thing Mr. President and let the GOP wallow in their own unAmerican conservative ideology.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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