Friday, May 1, 2015

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Announces He Is Running For President

The independent Senator from Vermont has entered the Presidential race.  Sanders is not given the coverage by the national news media such as John McCain and Lindsay Graham enjoys but knows and understands the issues facing the country and its people.  He especially will represent the middle class and working America.  He is opposed to the present trade agreement known as TPP that is in the news at present.

The Senator will give a good account of what policies he will pursue if elected and will force other candidates to address issues they would prefer not to talk about.  This writer would like to see V.P. Joe Biden and Howard Dean also run.  Both would make excellent candidates.

Howard Dean, a doctor, former governor and former candidate for the democratic Presidential nomination bombed out in a speech after the Iowa caucus and learned a valuable lesson.  He is up to date on the issues and is articulate and the one candidate who knows how to handle the republican attacks.

V.P. Biden is the best qualified of all candidates in this writers opinion and is a great debater.  If he decides to run and wins, the Presidential transition would  be very smooth.  Biden is known for making statements the news media seems to have fun with but his honesty over shadows his one liners.

Sanders, as an independent, usually votes with democrats and their policies but it is not a given.  His independence is toward the people he represents.  He is excitable and not always a polished speaker but knows the issues and will fight the special interest groups.  He will bring a new dimension and perspective to the Presidential race and that is a positive for the people and the country.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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