Thursday, June 18, 2015

Donald Trump: The Latest Republican To Enter The Presidential Race.

Donald Trump made it official on Tuesday when he announced he will seek the republican party's nomination for President of The United States.  Many in the news media thought he would not run for various reasons.  Trump immediately shook up his republican challengers and the conservative news media with his comments.Conservative journalists George Will and others had no kind words for Trump but Trump shot right back at them.

Trump said republicans talk a lot but accomplish very little.  Any one who follows politics knows that is a true statement.  Trump's republican challengers are trying to dodge his charges by passing him off as not a serious candidate.  They know he is relevant because they will have to answer his charges about them sooner or later and would rather not.

They would rather spend their time attacking Hillary so they don't have to explain their own position.  With so many republicans in the race Trump will liven up a campaign where each candidate are trying to convince the people he or she is the more conservative.  Trump also dropped a "bomb" on the republicans when he told Fox News that out of the last four Presidents, Bill Clinton was the best.  He is right of course, but no other republican would admit that.

This writer does not believe Trump will win his party's nomination but at least he will be one republican who will articulate what he would do if elected.  His republican challengers will do what they always do, preach the ditto head conservative ideology and of course attack Hillary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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