Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Netanyahu, Republicans In Congress And The Iran Agreement

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to show that he is not a friend of America by his many negative remarks about the Iran agreement.  He came to congress and tried to influence them that the talks were a bad deal.  Forty eight republicans sent Iran a letter to try and scuttle any agreement.

It should be noted that those republicans who oppose the agreement are the same ones who supported the war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  They would also do the same thing again.  They have also allowed Netanyahu to interfere with U.S. foreign policy.

I wrote three commentaries in 2007 concerning nuclear weapons in the middle east, near by and the leaders of Israel.  See Note l.  Those commentaries can be related to what is happening today and how the larger threat of the use of nuclear weapons comes not from Iran but from Israel, Pakistan and India.  In fact it is worthwhile repeating the U.S. and the world knows more about Iran's nuclear capability than they do about Israel, Pakistan and India's capabilities.  The U.N. has had inspectors in Iran  since the talks started with the U.S. and its allies.    Their facilities have been inspected and the removal of a number of centrifuges has taken place.

Netanyahu does not like American diplomacy because diplomacy is a two way street.  Israel wants to remain the dominate military power in the middle east so it can use that power with impunity.  President Obama needs to keep Netanyahu away from American foreign policy decisions and has done a good job in that regard.  America does not need to be dragged into another unnecessary war in the middle east because of Netanyahu's failed foreign policy.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note 1
Trouble Ahead:  Pakistan, India and Israel   dated 11/4/07
Nuclear Arms In The Middle East  dated 12/1/07
Israel's Sad Excuse For Leadership  dated 12/19/07

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