Friday, August 28, 2015

George Will and Thomas Friedman: The Latest Journalists With Political Amnesia.

Both Will and Friedman in an editorial opinion in the Times Picayune of 8/27/15 jumped on the band wagon of blame Donald Trump.  They try to separate Trump from the republican party and their Presidential candidates but Trump and his republican opponents are one and the same in their M.O.  Both believe in political personal attacks.

Will in his column says Trump injuries the chances of a republican Presidency.  That is a slap in the face to Trump's 16 republican opponents and shows how little confidence republican voters have in those 16 candidates.  It is also a case that the republican party has no accomplishments to hang their hats on.  Will talks about Trump being a "birther" concerning President Obama in 2011, but so was the republican party.  Will also talks about how important the non-white vote is and that Trump is turning that vote away with his remarks on immigration.  However Romney and the republican party has also turned the non-white vote away with their remarks and actions.

This writer enjoys reading most of Friedman's commentaries because most are not about ideology, but like
Will he follows the same line on Trump.  Friedman cites Trump's stand on immigration, the 14th amendment and lunatic idea of sending 11 million immigrants back home and says it is not funny anymore or entertainment.  He also says it plays on people's fears and ignorance and ignores bipartisan solutions already on the table.

Friedman rightly does point out that the democratic controlled Senate pass immigration reform in June 2013 with 14 republican votes.  But he says the extremists in the republican House refused to follow.  This writer covered that in past commentary in PolitiDose.  That was never funny or entertaining on the republican's part so they are just as bad as Trump on the immigration issue.

Friedman's statement that Trump plays on people's fears and ignorance is actually a staple of the republican party.  What did President George W. Bush do during the run up to war with Iraq over WMD that did not exist?  Or Saddam was training Al Queda terrorists.  Or the many fear statements by republicans in congress during the Obama administration.  The latest one over the Iran agreement.  What about John McCain's statement in the election of 2008 when he said if Obama was elected, terrorists would attack the U.S.  Those were all statements of fear.

Yes Mr. Will and Mr. Friedman, the republican party created Donald Trump with their unAmerican ideology and personal attacks and now Trump has used it on his republican opponents and so far successfully.  The news media laughed when Trump announced he was running for President.  Now they can't get enough of him.  There has been many commentaries here in PolitiDose how the republican party has no real meaningful accomplishments for the country and its people.  People in the news media would never admit that and have over looked the republican party's extreme ideology.  Donald Trump, an outsider has exposed the republican party's failure to govern and the news media still do not get it.  What a shame and that really says it all.

Special note:  Although the subject of immigration is the top story by the news media, the real story on immigration has not been told by them.  The real story is that the republican party and their candidates said they will not take up immigration reform until after the 2016 election.  In other words, elect me now and then you will find out what our immigration plan is all about.  The republican party took control of both houses of congress in January and won't even debate the matter.  They have no character or courage on the issue and the news media is not interested in the real story.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


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