Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Megyn Kelly, Professional Journalism and Donald Trump

Megyn Kelly said she would not apologize to Donald Trump concerning the questions she asked him during last weeks debate because she acted as a professional journalist.  This writer took issue with her so called professionalism in a previous commentary here in "PolitiDose."

The facts have been clear for a long time that Kelly, Trump, Fox News and the republican party use words that are inflammatory to describe other people.  It is part of their uncivil make up.  The problem is they get their nose bent out of shape only when it hits them smack in the face.  Does any one remember how republicans in the congress called President Clinton a scumbag and even worse and the Fox news just sat by and let their guest just pile it on.  The very same thing has happened to President Obama since his first day as President.

Those four band of brothers lack not only professionalism, they lack civility even in debate.  Kelly tried to do a job on Trump because that is what she was told to do by Fox news.  So did the other two moderators Bret Baier and Chris Wallace.  It has been know that Fox news is pushing Jeb Bush for the republican nomination.

None of those brothers are known for being fair and balanced.  The opposite is their trademark.  Fox needs Trump to be in the debates because of the ratings and has already made peace with him since the debate.  Kelly, like the girls on "Outnumbered" are attractive ladies but they have no journalistic substance.

That is a sad situation for those who seek knowledge.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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