Sunday, August 16, 2015

Right Wing Conservative Columnist Erick Erickson Is Still In A Tizzy

Erickson's article in the Times Picayune of 8/16 titled, "Trump Deserves To BeTaken Seriously" is a reminder of how bad the republican party is screwed up.  It also showed how hypocritical he is on the Trump issue.  He says and I quote from the article.  THE OTHER CANDIDATES, THE MEDIA AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SHOULD GIVE TRUMP THE COURTESY OF LEGITIMACY.  HE IS THE FRONT RUNNER AND THEY SHOULD TREAT HIM AS SUCH.

But Erick himself rescinded an invitation to Trump to speak at his Red State Gathering in Atlanta last week while Trump's republican opponents appeared at the gathering and spoke.  The reason given by Erick for rescinding Trump's invitation was his remarks about Megyn Kelly, one of the debate moderators.  As part of the news media Erick has no character and did not give Trump the courtesy of being legitimate like he spoke about.

Erick is also mad at the republican party for not fighting the President and surrendering to him.  He also said the republican Party created  Trump.  Erick does not like Trump and believes he will not win his party's nomination.  His nose is out of joint also because Trump said Ronald Reagan could talk a good game but did not deliver.

Erickson may not realize it but his article gave the public the reason they should vote democratic in the 2016 election.  The republican party is a screwed up one who is incapable of articulating any political sense.
They did not surrender to Obama, the President had policy ideas while they only had a failed ideology.  Besides Erickson agrees with the republicans position of total opposition to the President.

There is nothing positive about conservative journalism or the republican party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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