Sunday, September 27, 2015

John Boehner, Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives Resigns From Congress

Boehner's resignation caught the news media by surprise and launched a guessing game about why and why now.  Every one on cable news seemed to have a variety of reasons why it happened.  The why really does not matter for a number of reasons, that started soon after Obama was elected President in 2008 when Boehner proclaimed he and his party would do nothing to help the new President.

Boehner was leader of the U.S. House in name only and could not control his own members, especially the tea party right wing radicals.  He allowed the House to shut the government down for 16 days just a few short years ago and the House was unable to function as an arm of congress.  They voted over 50 times to defund the ACA which died in their own House.

Does Boehner's resignation and the election of a new Speaker indicate a more productive House?  Don't count on it, the right wing conservative who have taken over the party hate the President and will continue the party's obstruction.  They will also continue to try and divide the country.  It is part of their conservative ideology.

With the election of a new President next year the republicans in both houses of congress will do its best to prevent President Obama to achieve any of his remaining goals.  John Boehner was in a position of power where he could have achieved much for the country and its people.  He choose instead to use his position to obstruct.  It is a sad reminder how many leaders fail the test of leadership when given the opportunity to make a difference.

But strange as it seems he can still leave on a positive note by teaming up with the democrats in the House and enough republicans to prevent another government shutdown that the tea party said it will do over Planned Parenthood.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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