Monday, October 19, 2015

Terror Attack On U. S. Soil: Republicans Still Trying To Rewrite History.

Its on the cable networks again, the Donald Trump - Jeb Bush individual debate.  Jeb Bush said his brother kept "us" safe.  Trump said he did not think so and reminded Jeb that the worst foreign terrorist attack on U.S. soil happened on his brother's watch.  Jeb responded, his brother kept us safe after the attack on 9/11 and its important how his brother acted after the attack.

Jeb's statement continues to illustrate how the conservative ideology can not accept the truth of history even when facts remain facts.  President Bush did not keep "us" safe after 9/11 either and in fact started a war and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Most of America's wounded and dead during the Iraq war was at the hands of Al Queda in Iraq and other terrorist groups and our troops certainly are part of "us."

Trying to rewrite the facts of history is nothing new with republicans.  They have tried to do so concerning deficit spending, taxes, the national debt, increased federal spending, keeping America safe, the economy, job creation and a host of other subjects they claim to be best at accomplishing even though history and the facts tell a different story.

Jeb Bush has been out of public office a number of years and now since he wants to join the ranks once again show his lack of political understanding.  Jeb and his family would be better served had he not declared his intent to run for the republican Presidential nomination. He also showed a serious lack of understanding by trying to compare the terrorist attack on 9/11 to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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