Friday, November 20, 2015

Bobby Jindal Did Not Suspend His Campaign For The Republican Presidential Nomination: The People Did.

It took the people of Louisiana 7 years to wise up to governor Bobby Jindal but the people out side of Louisiana where Jindal campaigned for the republican Presidential nomination, realized Jindal's lack of political understanding in just a few months and tuned his campaign out.  His poll numbers nationally are much worse then his poll numbers in Louisiana.

Jindal now has to stay in Louisiana and tell the people how he is going to deal with the $500 million deficit for this fiscal years budget which began on July 1 that Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature said was balanced.  Of course, everyone who reads "PolitiDose" should have known the budget was not balanced.  On the state level, Jindal's budgets mimic the federal budgets under republican administrations as no republican President has balanced the federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960.  Yes, that is right 1960.

The Times Picayune who is backing David Vitter for governor has supported Jindal in the past and his budget cuts that have hurt higher education, health care and other services for the people.  Another republican governor is not the answer.  Jindal, Vitter and the Times Picayune deserve each other but the state and the people will do better with a democrat in the governor's office by the name of John Bel Edwards.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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