Thursday, December 3, 2015

Britain To Join Air Campaign Against ISIS/ISIL In Syria

The British Parliament gave Prime Minister Cameron the authority he sought to begin air attacks against ISIS/ISIL in Syria.  The decision will allow Britain to join America, France and Russia to expand the air war in Syria and Iraq.  America is seeking Germany support to join the coalition.

Prior to the terror attack on Paris, America carried out over 90% of the air war against ISIS/ISIL in Syria and 2/3rd. of the air war in Iraq.  Now with a larger coalition and better coordination, more frequent attacks can be made on a timely basis.  Middle eastern ground troops supporting the coalition air strikes with guidance of American special operation forces will speed up the fight against the terrorists to bring about their demise and their ability to threaten the world.

Those American voices who are still clamoring for 40,000 U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria in a daily combat role need to get a life and support the President.  As for the republican Presidential candidates are concerned, they have no serious thoughts on the middle east, only the same failed policies of the past.

It took a terror attack on Paris to bring France and Britain into the coalition in a positive way.  That experience should unite the coalition in a special way that will offer a united front against terrorists threats that have become so common in the 21st. century.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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