Sunday, March 6, 2016

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" On Louisiana's Budget Problem

J.R. Ball, the conservative columnist in his editorial of 3/2 published in the Times Picayune exposed his own words that Louisiana does not have a revenue problem.  In his editorial Ball points out what "PolitiDose" has commented on many times over.  His article states that Louisiana will not collect approximately $7.9 Billion in potential revenue from 40 taxes the state assesses because of tax exemptions.

In his conservative mind Ball won't let himself accept the fact that Louisiana has a revenue problem made possible by all the tax exemptions mentioned in "PolitiDose" and even his above named commentary.  That is lost revenue in any ones book and a revenue problem.  Ball is a Johnny come lately to the tax exemptions problem in Louisiana and seems to be more concerned with accepting the status quo that nothing can be done to correct the problem because of special interest, lobbyist and Louisiana politics.  I'm sure those people love to hear that and take that as a cue and say, why change?

It is obvious J.R. Ball is just taking up time and space in the Times Picayune and offers nothing to the debate going on concerning the state budget by not understanding arithmetic.  It is a problem many conservatives have.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

1 comment :

Unknown said...

I would submit Mr. Lorio completely missed the intent and point of the column in question, which is: Louisiana doesn't have a revenue problem BUT an exemption problem. The bulk of the piece pointed out how much potential revenue is exempted and that the state needs to overhaul its tax code to address 1) the number of exemptions and 2) the generosity of exemptions that are common in many states but Louisiana's tend to be more "giving" than others.

That said, to each his own.