Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Conservative Journalist Michael Gerson and Radio Host Rush Limbaugh Are Both In Denial

Washington Post journalist Gerson in a Times Picayune editorial of 3/30/16 said that one of the main reasons some conservatives find Donald Trump acceptable is that the most influential political talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has provided his blessings.  Gerson takes the position that Limbaugh favors Trump over the "established" republican conservatives because he thinks they are a cliquish, elitist club preserving its influence and employment prospects.

 Trump is no conservative by any stretch and Gerson in his article conveys that true conservatism is serving a set of ideals, which includes market economics, limited government and that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are conservative by any serious measure.  Gerson also takes a shot at Limbaugh who believes there is more potential to fight liberalism.

The editorial has so many flaws it is a tell tale confession why republicans and their conservative ideology has been such a failure and how it created the pathway for Trump to emerge as their leading Presidential candidate.  For over 20 years Limbaugh has been telling his audience the "establishment was the party of conservatism and was best at governing.  Now, that has all changed and the establishment is no longer Limbaugh's go to party.

What has happened to the republican party and their brand of conservative ideology has been spelled out in "PolitiDose" many times over.  They are at each others throat almost daily now and that includes journalists such as Limbaugh, Gerson and the conservative news media.  Gerson talks about limited government and market economics but they have no record of matching the accomplishments of democratic administrations.  Did any one notice Gerson could find nothing positive to say about any accomplishments by the administration of George W. Bush.

The GOP as it is today are a failed party with a failed ideology that is breaking up and there is no one there with a voice of reason and true political understanding to save it.  And to make matters worse, their Presidential candidates are still running a circus despite only 3 of them left standing.

The voters should take a pledge not to vote for any republican in the November elections.  Now that would be a pledge worth signing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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