Thursday, April 14, 2016

New Orleans Council Member At-Large Stacy Head and "PolitiDose" Are On The Same Page

In a opinion column in the Times Picayune dated 4/13 Stacy Head called for a way to achieve tax fairness at the local level is to allow New Orleans voters to approve a constitutional amendment that would return thousands of currently tax exempt properties to the tax rolls.  She also said the burden of paying for government services should be shared by more of the people and entities who use them.

Head believes that tax exempt properties should be limited to only those places where an organization actually teaches, prays or fulfills the mission of the exempt organization.  Of course Head is referring to non profits and or charitable organizations whose tax exemptions goes much farther than they should.

And if what Head said sounds familiar its because you read it here first in "PolitiDose" in several commentaries over the last several years.  Head is on target with her editorial and every one should pay his or her fair share of taxes, even the poor for reasons already stated.  No one should get a free ride when it comes to taxes.

The burden of who should pay taxes is a no brainer if one is honest with him or her self and has the courage to stand up to special interest groups who care only for themselves.  Keep up the good work Council member Head, "PolitiDose" will continue to support your position.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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