Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Another Leader Of Terror Is Brought To Justice

The U.S. announced that the leader of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Akhtar Mansour was killed in a U.S. air strike on his vehicle in Pakistan just several days ago.  It was one of many leaders of terrorists brought to justice by the Obama administration and a major one for the region.

The President gave the go ahead order for the strike and continues to focus on the problem of terror and bringing their leaders to justice.  The administration's success in keeping the pressure on terrorists and keeping America safe continue to be his priority at home and abroad.  The President's policy of not putting thousands of American troops on the ground in the middle east unnecessarily is also saving American lives from IED's truck bombings and etc.

Yes, America does have a President and Commander in Chief who has a policy to fight terror without having to talk tough and bring about his accomplishments.  Too bad from now until the November elections there will be one Presidential candidate who will use tough talk as his signature and continue to bad mouth the President's policies and bore the American people to death.  Some things never change and there are always those that are willing to put American lives at risk when there is no compelling reason to do so.

President Obama came along at the right time to serve his country and its people.  Don't look for Fox News or the news media in general to give this story much coverage.  They are more interested in covering stories that are negative in content towards the President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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