Friday, May 13, 2016

April Was Another Good Month For Job Creation

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created 160,000 jobs April and that the unemployment rate held steady at 5%.  It was the 74th straight month of positive job growth.  Some business groups were forecasting 190,000 plus jobs.  The President's policies are still working and the economy and job creation would be even better if the republican controlled congress would approve the President's plan for the repairs to the nations infrastructure, roads, bridges and etc.

In the past that expenditure was always bipartisan and both parties worked to pass legislation to take care of the problem.  It is a project that puts people to work quickly with good paying jobs.  But today's republican party is the do nothing party of obstruction who wants nothing to do with progress under a democratic administration.  They would like to see the economy tank in this election year and use that as a campaign issue.  It tell how far the republican party is willing to stoop to sabotage the President and the people.  A democratic controlled congress would have passed that legislation in a New York second.  And they say a New York second is the fastest second in the world.

Despite the republican party's opposition, President Obama will leave office with a better economy than he inherited, a better job creation record than both President Bush 41 and Bush 43 combined, a better record on reducing deficit spending, a lower unemployment rate than when he took office, brought Bin Laden and a host of ISIS leaders to justice, a safer America and a host of other positive accomplishments.

The previous republican administration failed to have a positive impact on any of those issues and that is why the republican party want to see President Obama  and his administration to fail.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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