Thursday, July 7, 2016

The FBI's Report On Hillary Clinton's Email Issue Matters Not To The Republicans and the Clinton Haters

Director of the FBI James Comey issued his agency's investigation report concerning Clinton's use of a private email server and found "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case" and that the FBI will not recommend criminal charges against her to the Justice Department.  Loretta Lynch, the U.S. Attorney General was on record some time ago in saying she would accept the FBI's report.  The report also stated that there were clear shortcomings in security protocols for the emails, that there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information but that Clinton nor her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information.

The reaction from the republican party, conservatives and Trump were the usual disbelief just like it was two years ago when the House Intelligence Committee found no wrong doing by President Obama or then Secretary of State Clinton concerning Benghazi.  The final House Committee version report came out just last week on Benghazi and came to the same conclusion as the Intelligence Committee.  But like the Benghazi issue the email issue will not go away for them because it is an election year and their intent is to cripple Clinton.  They will never be satisfied because it is political for them and they will still be talking about Benghazi and the email issue even after the November elections.  The republican controlled House said their committee will call FBI director Comey and Attorney General Lynch to testify before their committee.

Prior to the FBI report the meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch sent the crazies off on the deep end, even some in the news media.  The fact of the matter is Bill Clinton is a people person that was reported on many times by the news media while he was President.  He and Lynch are friends so they met, so what?  Bill Clinton and his wife do not hold any government job and as such have no leverage with the FBI nor the Justice Department and neither Comey or Lynch is going to allow outside influence to shape their findings on a lawful investigation.

Bill Clinton knows there are people in government who can not keep secrets so it is safe to say he would not do anything to harm his wife's chance of becoming President by injecting himself into the investigation.  The halls of Washington D.C. have ears and sooner or later some one is bound to talk and Bill Clinton knows that.  The Clintons would have more to lose than to gain by trying to interfere.

FBI director Comey said it best when he said unequivocally, "we are expressing our view to Justice that no charges are appropriate in this case."  And that really says it all.

This Commentary written by Joe Lorio

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