Saturday, August 6, 2016

Job Growth Continues Its Progress Under The Obama Administration.

The U.S. Labor Department announced 255,000 new jobs were created in July and the unemployment rate remained steady at 4.9%.  It was the 77th straight month of positive job growth.  The Department also announced hourly wages were up in July and 2.7% higher than a year ago.  A good percentage of people looking for work are being hired and new workers continue to enter the job market.

The good news concerning the economy and jobs will only continue if a democrat is elected President in November.  Precedent has backed that up time and again.  Trump and his party continue to support the failed ideology of trickle down economics, that of massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.  And on the campaign trail Trump continues to attack the President's record on the economy and jobs.  I guess he would like to take the country and its people back to the years of the George W. Bush administration.  After all, Trump's tax proposals are a mirror image of what Bush pushed through congress.

Hillary Clinton is running on a plan and policy that would build on and enhance the positive direction of the economy, job creation, reducing deficit spending and better wages for the middle class that began under the Obama administration.  On the other hand Trump is running against an economic recovery and job creation made possible by President Obama's policies and the democrats in congress who backed the President up when they controlled both houses of congress.

The truth of the matter tells us the issues that affect the country and its people the most are better off in the hands of a democratic administration with out a doubt.  And the actions of Donald Trump and the republicans in congress give proof every day to that truth.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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