Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Republican Controlled Congress Continues To Do Nothing.

The republican party has been in control of both houses of congress for almost two years and has no record of accomplishments for the country and its people.  They are still drawing top pay and are out raising funds for their next campaign but have no respect  for their office and feel no responsibility toward the people who elect them.  They have even refused to hold hearings on the President's nominee to the Supreme Court as of this writing.

They have yet to approve the President's request for funds to fight ISIS.  The highway bill to rebuild and repair the nations infrastructure, immigration reform, the minimum wage and many other issues raised by the President to keep the economy working.  And to top if off the people of Louisiana were told by those republicans who represent Louisiana in congress they had a robust agenda on issues vital to the nation and the state.  Of course it never happened and they are just marking time.  They do not want to see anything positive to happen before the elections.

The combination of the republican party and Donald Trump are a disgrace to America's political system and a direct threat to the foundation of government.  And worst of all, they seem to enjoy it.  Those republicans who are now walking away from Trump can not separate themselves from him or his unAmerican rhetoric this late in the campaign after pledging their support because Trump is acting out their party's ideology of divide and conquer no matter what.  That is what the leaders of the party in congress did when they refused to work with President Obama when he was first elected.

The democratic party is still the best hope for America, its people, our form of government and society.  Trump and the republican party are proving that every day.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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