Saturday, September 17, 2016

Donald Trump: The Deplorable Birther and Presidential Candidate Has No Character or Courage

On Friday, after over 5 years of deplorable comments and lies concerning President Obama's birth place, Trump admitted the President was born in the United States.  But like the coward he is, before making the statement he tried to blame Hillary Clinton as the person who started the birther rumor.  It was just another lie that rolls out of his  mouth because lies are a part of Trump's life.  It is how he runs his business, his personal life and his campaign.

To top his statement off he lacked the character and courage to stand on his own two feet and used Veterans in the back ground on the stage to try and look credible.  The Donald always has to use some one as a prop and he used Veterans who served their country (something Trump  never did) and exposed them to his ongoing lies.  It was a deplorable act by a deplorable Presidential candidate who lacks respect for Veterans and the President.

Hillary Clinton was right when she said some of Trump's supporters were in a basket of deplorables.  The latest poll report only 27% of republicans believe Obama was born in the United States.  The news media, especially cable news lacks rational understanding and showed their ignorance in reporting Hillary's comment about Trump's deplorable supporters.  Donald Trump actually used the definition of deplorable first long before Clinton's remark when at his campaign rally when he said he could shoot some one and his supporters would still support him.  That was a deplorable statement and if thinking his supporters would still support him after shooting some one that would describe those supporters as being deplorable.  But the media, because of their love affair with Trump, missed the real story.  It is not to late to report that and I give them permission to use this commentary.

Trump is not qualified to be President and Commander in Chief.  His life of lies and the circle he lives in is not fit to occupy the White House.  His birther statement on Friday, his failure to release his tax returns will not go away and his extremism has been unmasked.  So has the out right lies that define his cowardly character.

This writer is a Veteran who would never stand on the same stage with Donald Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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