Saturday, November 12, 2016

Does Congress Have A Mandate?

Senator Mitch McConnell, republican majority leader in the U.S. Senate says the republicans have a mandate because Donald Trump won the election.  However, republicans say the same thing when they lose elections.  It is their way to try and convince the people that their legislative agenda is the only agenda for America.  Like shutting down the government.

The truth of the matter concerning mandates is it does not represent reality when it comes to passing legislation because many times the legislation does not represent what was promised in the campaign.  And those who think mandates are viable, common sense would dictate that the democrats in congress are the party with the mandate because Clinton won the popular vote receiving over 60,000,000.  So her plans and policies were more acceptable to the majority voters than Trumps.

If the republicans in congress want to start out pushing their programs without democratic voice than the democrats have the right to do what ever they can to block the republicans agenda.  And if it comes down to a mandate, the public will be on the side of the democratic party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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