Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mark Halperin and Donny Deutsch: Mouthpiece For Donald Trump and The Republican Party.

Bloomberg's television show, "With All Due Respect" of 11/17 with Halperin and Deutsch was the typical election propaganda trying to make the democratic party obsolete with Clinton's loss in the general election.  But nothing could be farther from the truth.  These are the same guys who can not articulate any accomplishments by former republican Presidents Bush 41 and Bush 43 and are now trying to convince their audience that another republican named Trump will accomplishment much.

The democrats lost the election but the popular vote is on their side and will be in future elections.  They just have to do a better job in certain states.  H and D won't talk about past republican administrations anemic job creation record and how Trump will turn that around or how he will balance the federal budget which no republican administration has done since Ike in 1960.  H and D also loved the Bush tax cuts and said it would propel the economy and create jobs.  The record has already been written in History, it did neither one.  But that does not stop them from pushing failed republican policies.

Both share the same problem.  They are chapped because President Obama will be leaving office on a high note and the country and its people are so much better off now than when Bush 43 left office and left the country in the worst recession since the great depression.  And now another republican  by the name of Trump will enter the White House as a tainted President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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