Friday, December 2, 2016

Another Big First For PolitiDose

In a previous commentary this writer pointed out Trump's double talk about the "establishment" when he said he was running against and tried to sell himself as an outsider.  He later described the "establishment" as the "swamp" and said he would drain it.  In the commentary this writer demonstrated that Trump himself was part of the "establishment" also, the establishment of corporate America who give millions to elected officials in the form of campaign contributions.

Trump during the republican debates admitted with his own mouth he gives campaign contributions to elected officials because he expects favors and when he calls them for help they help him.  Now as President elect, Trump has nominated as Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, a former executive with Goldman Sachs, a wall street bank.  Trump has also appointed at least two other Goldman Sachs executives.  An ethics attorney speaking on one of the cable news shows said appointing Mnuchin Treasury Secretary is like putting an alligator in charge of the swamp.  That is a great description and just another reminder the lies told by Trump during the campaign about draining the swamp just to get votes.

The Swamp will not be drained after all and now the country and its people will have to deal with Trump's establishment.  There will be much more to come out of Trump which will completely destroy what he promised the voting public.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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