Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Donald Trump: A President-Elect Bent On Destroying What Our Fore Bearers Established.

Both Presidential candidate and President-elect Trump has used his corrupt business attitude in an attempt to remake America's political process concerning the federal government in order to enhance himself and his business financially.  And now most of his cabinet appointees and other appointees come from the Wall Street Banks ranks, big business and people who are anti everything to do with government.

His un-American relationship with Russian's Putin asking him to hack into America's emails for personal gain and praising Putin as a much better leader than President Obama was an act of treason.  Putin has a history of doing away with people who oppose him, rigged Soviet elections and Trump still finds reasons to praise him and say he is a better leader than our American President.  Is there really any way to reconcile Trump's thinking.  Every day the President-elect becomes more and more tainted.

Trump's failure to release his tax returns because those returns would show how he and his business are in bed with many foreign countries and their leaders and represents a conflict of interest.  As of this date Trump has still not divested himself from his business interest and can not carry out his duties as President and Commander in Chief because of those conflicts.

Every day there is a new Trump tweet outside the norm of a President-elect with lies which are a daily part of his life.  It worked for him in his business environment and now uses lies in the political arena to deceive America and its people.  Trump said his appointment of General Mattis as Secretary of Defense was the closest thing to General Patton.  Trump obviously knows nothing about the military.  Patton was relieved of his command more than once for disciplinary reasons and was considered to be a "primadonna" by some of his superior officers.  General Mattis never had those problems.

And to think Trump received 62,904,682  popular votes in the general election according to the latest tally is chilling.  Even more chilling is the number of people commenting on facebook and other social outlets who said they voted for Trump because they share his moral values.  On the other hand 65,748,544 voted for Hillary Clinton.  That is a lead in the popular vote of 2.8 million and still growing for Clinton.

Donald Trump may be the President-elect but the majority of Americans who voted do not share his moral values or his corrupt business practice he is trying to inject into America's political system.  The swamp will get much larger with Trump in the White House but the out right lies will fall like a ton of bricks in due time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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