Friday, January 6, 2017

More Good News For America and Its People As President Obama Prepares To Leave Office.

The U.S. Labor Department reported that the U.S. economy created 156,000 jobs in December, the President's last full month in office and the unemployment rate was at 4.7%.  The New York based Consumer Confidence Board said the consumer confidence index was at 113.7, the highest level since August of 2001.  When President George W. Bush was leaving office just the opposite was taking place.

The unemployment rate stood at 7.3% in December of 2008, the last full month of Bush's administration and the economy lost 524,000 jobs that same month.  Median income continued its decline, deficit spending continued to increase and was larger when Bush left office than it was when he took office.  When Obama leaves office deficit spending will be down over 50% from when he took office.  Median family income is still on the rise.  President Obama will also end his terms in office with a better job creation record than any past republican President.

Will a President Trump keep all the inherited accomplishments in positive territory or will he and his party once again set the country and its people on a backward course?  When Trump leaves office a comparison can be made but as of the moment he has no record, just loud mouth talk and a corrupted character lacking facts in his tweets.  He also has a problem with every day lies to the American people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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