Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Republican Hierarchy: Corrupt To Its Core.

As more and more information becomes public about President Trump, his administration and campaign leaders the more it becomes evident the man is not fit to serve the highest office in America. So many lies have been exposed and there seems to be no end in sight.  A hypocritical  attitude has been substituted for the truth that have no bounds.

Just this week Trump said once again no one from his campaign had contact with Russian officials during the campaign and the U.S. intel service said there were several contacts.  Trumps Attorney General Sessions when testifying before congress said he had no contact with Russian officials and lied under oath and now wants to clarify the record after getting caught.  And after taking pressure from both Republicans and Democratas said he would recuse himself from any investigaations concerning the Trump Russian affairs.

The public also found out this week that V. P. Pence used a private email account to handle state business when he was Governor of Indiana and the private account was hacked and exposed sensitive government information.  The present Governor of Indiana will not release all of those private emails of Pence because some contain such sensitive information.  Pence is the hypocrite who said a lot of nasty things about Hillary Clintons use of a private email system when she was Secretary of State.  The FBI concluded that there was no evidence that Hillary's private email system was hacked.

Trump also said this week that the Attorney General need not remove himself from any Russian investigation concerning the Trump thing.  An obvious self serving statement from a President who knows he is in trouble.  Every one has a free will to act in a positive or negative way toward the life he chooses and the path he wishes to walk.  Too bad the President of the United States has chosen a negative and corrupt path to deal with the future of America the beautiful and the hopes and needs of the American people.

And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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