Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Republican Party's Health Care Plan Circus

After saying for seven years they had a Health Care plan to replace the ACA the republicans in congress finally introduced their plan hastily and almost immediately, was criticized by their own party members who said it was not a replacement at all and unacceptable.  Trump, who told the people he would introduce his own health care plan early this month and so far has not, had to step in and say the republican plan was negotiable like the republicans did not even talk to their own members in congress what the plan contained.

The evidence was clear to this writer long ago that the republican party does not want a health care plan nor do they believe in health care.  And it becomes clearer every day the way they have batted the issue around with no sound plan at all.  Its like Trump wanting to build the WALL because he and his party do not believe in immigration reform.  The WALL is an excuse.

The sad part of this issue is that Trump and his party continue to lie about the ACA, its costs and effectiveness because they can not articulate an alternative health care plan to replace the ACA.  The lying has gotten so bad that Fox News host Sheperd Smith had to say the lying has to stop.  Can you imagine that, Fox News, the network that has been broadcasting Trump and his party's lies for years now say enough is enough.

The Obama administration has been gone only six weeks and it is sadly missed.  Meanwhile the republican circus continues.  Hillary's win in the popular vote becomes clearer every day, her supporters understood what Trump was all about and rejected him.

Special Note:  Trump's big lie and charge that the ACA is a disaster and a bankrupt program has been proven wrong by the facts released in two reports which was the subject of two commentaries by this writer in "PolitiDose", the most recent one in the last few weeks.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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