Wednesday, March 15, 2017

UPDATE: Job Creation For Presidential Terms: 1929 - Jan. 2017

This will update my original commentary published in PolitiDose dated 11/5/2010 that covered the period 1929 - 2008.  (actually to January 2009 when President Bush left office).  The update provides the job creation record of President Barack Obama for his eight years in office and a comparison to President George W. Bush's record on job creation for his eight years in office.

In President Bush's eight years in office the economy created 1.3 million new net jobs.  (My original report in PolitiDose listed 1.1 million new net jobs.  See Note 1)  New net jobs represent the number of jobs created less the number of jobs lost during a President's administration.  Because of the worst republican recession ever, over 4.5 million jobs were lost during Bush's two terms and he left office with the worst job creation record since President Hoover in 1929 - 1933.

President Obama took office in January of 2009 during that great recession and the economy continued to lose jobs in the spill over to the tune of over 3 million jobs on Obama's watch.  How ever when Obama left office in January of 2017 over 11.5 million new net jobs were created on his watch.  And a record of 77 straight months of positive job creation was recorded.

When one takes into consideration what Bush inherited from President Clinton and what Obama inherited from President Bush one should be able to see who did the better job even under more difficult circumstances.  The same can be said for the federal government's fiscal house.  Bush inherited balanced budgets and surpluses from President Clinton and Bush left office with 8 straight years of deficit spending.  Obama left office by reducing deficit spending

So even during difficult times President Obama has kept the democratic record of creating jobs and putting America to work.  It is a subject repeated in PolitiDose many times in the last eight plus years.  And when you add up the total number of jobs created for Presidential terms from 1929 to January of 2017 the job numbers are astounding.  Democratic administrations  84.3 million jobs created, Republican administrations 28.8 million jobs created.

To top if off when you take into consideration the job creation record of the last five Presidents going back to President Reagan the numbers look like this:  Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 served a total of 20 years and their combined job creation total was 19.9 million jobs created.  Clinton and Obama served a total of 16 years and their combined job creation total was 34.2 million jobs created.  I would say that is pretty good considering Clinton and Obama served 4 years less.  And if you really want to get serious add the 10,3 million jobs created by the Carter administration in just 4 years.

Yes my fellow Americans precedent can be used to understand what might happen on the republican or democratic watch and when it comes to the economy and every thing connected to it the democratic party performs best for the country and its people.  The same thing can be said for keeping America safe.  And the next time you hear a republican say democratic administrations are job killers you will also know they lie about that also.

Note 1;  Job information taking from Wikipedia that is up dated from time to time including from the time my original commentary of 11/5/10.  The changes and adjustments have been minor and does not affect the over all numbers to any great degree.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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