Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Part II: The United States Launches Air Strike On Syria

The news media was swift in its laudatory comments for the President's decision to strike Syria over its alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria.  One report said Trump became President that day, one said Trump's action was Presidential.  A long New York Times story praised Trump for his swift action and that his unpredictable actions was a new chapter in American foreign policy that would keep our adversaries guessing what a President Trump would do.  It was also reported the strike put North Korea and Iran on notice, and etc., etc., and etc.

If all that sounds familiar its because you heard and read it all before 14 years ago from the same news media when President George W. Bush launched his attack and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Elements of the news media announced that Bush and Cheney planned to take out 5 countries in the region starting with Iraq but the so called "cake walk" in Iraq pushed all that aside.  "Fake news" was alive 14 years ago courtesy of the Bush administration and the news media.  And the most silly part of the "fake news" was that Iraq was a threat to the national security of the United States which Bush and Cheney said over and over again.

As of this writing there is no official report of the intelligence community that has positively identified Assad and or Syria as the entity who carried out the chemical attack.  The anti Syrian rebels, ISIS and Al Queda have all operated in the area of the chemical attack according to reports and all three have the capabilities of putting together chemical weapons and using them.  All three also would like to see Assad removed from power.  That would be a powerful motive to try and suck the U.S. into removing Assad by blaming him for the chemical attack.

A legitimate question to ask would be did the President order the strike against Syria because of his low poll ratings and other problems he and his administration are having.  After all, Trump tweeted this in 2012 concerning President Obama, Lybia and Iran:  NOW THAT OBAMA'S POLL NUMBERS ARE IN A TAILSPIN - WATCH FOR HIM TO LAUNCH A STRIKE IN LYBIA OR IRAN.  HE IS DESPERATE.  So that kind of thinking was on Donald Trumps mind.  Was he himself a desperate President when he made the decision to launch?  Another question to be asked:  Did President Trump try to act tough by striking Syria, an ally of Russia to derail the FBI and congressional investigations of the possible collusion of Trump and his campaign with Russia?

The news media failed its obligation to search for the truth in the run up to war with Iraq 14 years ago.  And today their early reports on the Syria attack are repeating the mistakes of the past.  Trump said our decisions will be guided by our values.  That statement contradicts every thing Trump said during the campaign and his tweets which have been a major part of his "fake news."  What he does value is placing blame on every one but himself.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Moscow has failed to live up to its obligations under a 2013 agreement to strip Syria of its chemical weapons and if you fail to live up to commitments, if you become a threat to others, at some point a response is likely to be undertaken.  Will the Trump administration live up to those words and take action against Russia?  Don't hold your breath for a military response.

Stay tuned for Part III

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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