Wednesday, May 10, 2017

George Will, Conservative Columnist and Opinion Writer Breaks Away From His Ditto Head Colleges.

George Will, long time republican conservative opinion writer for the Washington Post and a contributor on the Fox News Network for several years wrote a telling article on President Trump published on May 3.  Will's commentary titled, "Trump Has a Dangerous Disability" breaks with the usual conservative commentary that tries to justify Trumps repeated lies and fake news.

Will makes the following statement in his by-line.  PEOPLE MUST LET THEIR REPRESENTATIVES KNOW JUST HOW DANGEROUS THIS MAN IS.  That is a devastating statement and condemnation of the President from a man who in the past has supported republicans all the way.  Will also says in his very first sentence:  IT IS URGENT FOR AMERICANS TO THINK AND SPEAK CLEARLY ABOUT PRESIDENT TRUMP"S INABILITY TO DO EITHER.

The commentary also takes Trump to task about his pronouncements on Andrew Jackson and the Civil War which began 16 years after Jackson's death.  Will knew just how incompetent Trump was on the matter.  Tim Morris, ditto head conservative opinion writer for the Times Picayune wrote a column on the matter dated May 3 titled, "Donald Trump is right about Andrew Jackson."  Morris displayed his ditto head willingness as usual to spin and justify Trump's fake news.  The opinion was a sham to deliver what President Trump could not.

George Will is more than just a writer.  He knows history and appreciates good governing and intelligence.  This writer has disagreed with some of his writings in the past but he understands just how damaging President Trump is to our system of government and to the country and its people.  He also understands Trump can not be trusted.  This is one commentary that Will has written void of ideology.  It was all about putting our counrty first.  George Will stood tall with his American commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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