Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Fall Of Cable's Fox News

It was bound to happen sooner of later.  The latest prime time ratings for the cable news, shows MSNBC and CNN ahead of Fox who in the past dominated the ratings.  The O'Reilly Factor is no more and the Kelly File is long gone.  Both were tops in the ratings  in their time slot.

The pundits are all over the lot with excuses as to why the hard fall for Fox.  This writer thinks a number of things have taken place that has allowed Fox's followers to stop making excuses for themselves.  The management at Fox took sex to the next level in TV broadcasting that came to a head with out of court settlements  for alleged sexual harassment by several Fox employees.  The settlements could no longer be overlooked by Fox's audience.  It hit home and was the culmination of the conservative nature of the network with their out right lies about almost everything deemed not to be conservative.  The network's embrace of Trump and his lies could no longer be over looked.  It became time for Fox's audience to jump ship.

MSNBC hired Megan Kelly and George Will from Fox to add a conservative spin on their network.  They think they can now say MSNBC is fair and balanced, which of course is a fairy tale.  What is really needed on Cable TV since they fill up so much air time is a knowledge of the subject matter they talk about along with the facts.  If they are true in that regard they are already fair and balanced.

Fox has been a destructive force in broadcasting because their s.o.p. is a belief in ideology and division.  Sooner or later facts will prevail but much destruction will take place before eyes are opened.  We see the same thing taking place with the Trump administration.  His supporters still adore him even though he is a tainted President with a destructive behavior.  How long will it take for his supporters to say enough is enough?  Time will tell but it would be better sooner rather than later.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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