Saturday, May 6, 2017

The U.S. Senate Passes a $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

The republican controlled Senate passed the bill by a vote of 79 - 18 which will keep the government running thru Sept. 30, the end of this fiscal year which actually ends President Obama's last fiscal year.  The legislation eliminated funding for several items Trump wanted and asked for including money to build the WALL which set off angry tweets from Trump (what else is new?) before the vote was even taken.

Trump was also peeved because the bill rejected several cuts Trump wanted and he reacted by saying the government needs a good shut down in September when the spending bill expires.  He also said the Senate should go back to the majority vote of 51 instead of the normal 60 votes needed to pass legislation.  The republicans have only 52 votes they control and Trump knows the democrats vote is necessary for passing his agenda.

The bill also approved $1.5 billion in emergency spending for border security that the democrats pushed for and that the senate agreed with.  The irony of this item those who follow politics will recall was in the democratic controlled senate bill on immigration reform that was passed in 2013 by the democratic controlled senate only to die in the republican controlled house at the time without even a hearing.  The democratic influence on this bill was noticeable.

The tea party republican representative Dave Brat said the legislation was a win for the democrats and loss for conservatives.  There goes that word again, "conservative" the ugly un-American ideology.  For them its ideology first, for democrats its America and its people first and that is who benefits the most from the bill.

And of course, Trump, the little boy President could not get his way so he talked about shutting down the government in September, something the republican party likes to do.  Yes every day the President's actions tell us Hillary Clinton is a better woman than Trump is a man.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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